Sundays at the Secret Fresh Art Gallery

Ronac Art Center. The sensory playground.

I had the chance to spend time at one of the most fashion-forward places in Manila once again. I make it a point to visit the gallery every quarter to take photos for me to share with you. My excitement towards the visual overload thru the pieces always feels the same since I first visited Ronac Art Center more than 10 years ago. Here are several pieces from Lynyrd Paras, Exld Manila, Jett Osian and Nevs. Enjoy the photos. Photos and images by Kevin Carlos. First seen on Fatlace dot com

As always, special thanks to the Secret Fresh Team and Bigboy Cheng for the warm welcome! Stay safe.

Here’s more Secret Fresh content over the past few months:

Fatlace | Stance Pilipinas / Manila Fitted

Filipino Pride All Day, Everyday.